10 May 2014


Kenyan gospel singer Eunice Njeri release new video titled Unatosha (You are Enough)

Nimeubeba msalaba wangu (I have carried my cross)
Nikufuate wewe uliyenipenda (To follow You who loved me)
Nimeitua mizigo yangu kwako (I have surrendered my burdens to You)
Nakufuata wewe uliyenipenda (I follow You who loved me)

Bwana utosha, wanitosha (Lord You are enough, You satisfy me)
Mungu wa agano, wewe wanitosha (God of promises, You satisfy me)

Nasalimu amri yako ee Baba (I surrender to your calling Faher)
Sauti yako nimeisikia (I listen to your voice)
Umenivuta Bwana karibu nawe (You have brought me closer to You)
Karibu zaidi, natamani niwe (I desire to be even closer to You)


We wangu uu sawa, sioni hofu (In you I am safe, I no longer fear)
Wanitosheleza, wanitosha (You satify me, You are enough)
Wengine mie sina, wewe wanitosha (I have no other, for You satisfy me)
Wanitosha, wanitosha (You satisfy me, You satisfy me)


EUNICE NJERI BIRTH Born on the 2nd of January 1983 in Nanyuki at Nanyuki village. SCHOOLS Went to Nanyuki Baptist and Laikipia Airbase for her primary school education. She went to Hill school Eldoret and later went to Gatero Secondary school for her High school education. RISE TO MUSIC CAREER When she was young she used to sing in Sunday school and then joined the praise and worship team in her local church. While in school she was a member of the school choir and used to be the soloist. In 2005 she recorded an album with the church choir then in 2007 did her first album “Bwana Yesu” INSPIRATIONS Her Love for God “He has brought me from far” Her Mom who taught her first song “Yes Jesus Loves me” MENTORS Her Mom Bishop Philemon “Greatest worshipper I know of” FAVOURITE BOOKS - Bible - In The Grip of Grace by Lucado - Woman without Limits by Pas. Kathy Kiuna. HOBBIES - Swimming - Singing MEMMORABLE MOMENTS SAD When leading praise an d worship at church in a time when Tramaine Hawkins was present and begun her song from a very high key. “Made me cry” HAPPY The first time I saw myself on TV When am singing and God shows up. QUOTES Jeremiah 29:11 Psalms 91 all of it. EVENTS Dec. 25th Safari Park Dec 31st Totally sold Out Watch out for my new CD.

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