12 May 2014


I called for a meeting last week thursday of Gospel Artistes in Nigeria, which was well attended by our concerned colleagues. After much discussions, we resolved to call a well publicized meeting of a fuller house in 3 months (on Saturday 19th of July) where we will have ample time to inform everyone (Gospel artist, ministers, comedians, DJ's, etc) to attend.

The essence will be to come up with a structure for us that will guide, provide operational policy, character ideals, professional carriage, branding, business education, information on music sale, copyright, music distribution, and other pressing matters. We appointed a committee of 6 people, Mrs Damola Akiogbe (President), John Godfrey (Vice-President, Funmi Praise (Secretary), and more.

We are aware of ALL the failed attempts to make this work in the past, we are also aware of ALL the problems and issues existing between artists, ministers, etc; we are also aware that even the meaning of Gospel Artist or Minister may be a problem, as well as the difference between gospel and christian: and various other disputes. This is a meeting that will attempt to resolve the resolvable, but more importantly enact an association of concern ministers/artistes for the collective advancement of our ministry.

We will need your support to pray, and publicity to help assemble every gospel artist / minister / faith-based musician in the country to progress our collective cause.

The date is the 19th of July 2014, Venue: RCCG House of David, on Ogudu/Ojota Road, Ikeja, Lagos. Time: 8.30am - 11am (to allow you meet other performance commitments in the day). Committee Name: GOSPEL UNITED NIGERIA. Please add on Twitter: @GospelUnitedNG.

For more info, please contact the committe President (Mrs Damola Akiogbe on 08022179540) or the Vice-President (Mr John Godfrey on 08033470725).

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