15 February 2014


Born Monique Temitope Fabiyi in Lagos, sensational gospel artiste who was recently signed on to Spaghetti Record, and has perform with top gospel acts like Midnight Crew, Mike Aremu, Kingsley Ike, Segun Obe, Gbenga Owoeye-Wise, and never stops catching our undivided attention armed with a slew of singles, “New Story,” and “Oba Gbogbo,” writes De Champions League. We eventually caught up with her, and journeyed through the mind of the astounding act as she talks about her music, what has kept her going and most importantly what she has in stock this year. Excerpts…

Can you tell us more about yourself and let us into your background?

My name is Monique, I am from the Fabiyi family of Ishaga in Lagos State. I worked in Lagos as a banker and as an oil servicing agent. I am a wife and mother.

What are the things you found interesting while growing up?

Growing up was nearly smooth, my parents were the best they could be, and I was the best I could be. I grew up as the last of ten children. I had a lot of instructors and a lot to keep up with. I had six guys before me as elder brothers, so I found myself doing what guys do. I played football which I found very interesting.

Monique and Husband
Is Monique your real name or a nickname?

Monique is my given name. I was named Monique by my grandmother who lived part of her life in France.

Why did you decide to go into music, and not Business Management which you studied in school?

Music is also a form of trading. Most importantly, music is my most accessible tool in fulfilling my calling.

How do your parents feel about your singing career?

My parents are happy about my music career. They are proud me and I thank them for accepting me for who I am

Why gospel music and not secular music?

You can only give what you have; all I have is gospel.

What inspired you to go into music, and how do you get your inspiration?
Inspiration to do music comes from people’s appreciation and approval whenever I sing. Singing gave me a voice, and people hear me better when I sing.

Are you a song writer too or someone else does that for you?

I am a song writer

How do your friends relate with you now considering your celebrity status?

They still see me as their friend, and I still see them as mine too.

How do you handle competition?

The gospel is more important than music trade, so we see one another as joint servants, and children of the kingdom of God.

Who are your role models in the gospel circle?

My role models are the members of the Midnight Crew.

In all the songs you have released or featured in so far, which one do think is the biggest hit and made you known by people?
We don’t know the hit; it is the people that know hits, but I think New Story and “Oba Gbogbo Aye” got more reviews around the world than other songs.

Now that you are signed to Spaghetti Records, what are the unusual things you have done?

Since I joined Spaghetti Records, things have been done differently and we are more purposeful in our approach and systematic in our procedures.

What are the things you’ve learnt from working with Mike Abdul?

I have learnt a lot; the art of praise and better understanding of the art of worship. Mike Abdul has taught me that only a worshipper can praise God.

Can you tell us how you met your hubby?

God designed our meeting; we met at the right place, under the right circumstance.

As a married woman, how do you combine your home with your career?

I don’t combine home and career, I separate them. Home is home, career is career and ministry is ministry.

What can you say about semi-nudity in gospel circle?

Nudity is unacceptable in public places and inappropriate in circumstances considered public. Whether it is semi-nudity or full-nudity, it should not be condoned.

What can you say about divorce?

Divorce is not in the plan of God. I advice that people should pray for those threatened by divorce.

What should we be expecting from you this year?

A few tours; my first international tour will happen this year. I will visit the U.K and the U.S.A; my second album will also hit the market this year, so there is a lot to be done.

Shout-out to your fans?

I want to thank everybody that has encouraged me and supported me. I thank everyone that bought my work and everyone that listened to me in places that I have ministered. I pray that God’s blessings will be your constant supply. Amen.


  1. Dear aunty Monique, please stop that unholy relationship you have with Mike Abdul and go back to your husband so that you will not invite unnecessary trouble on yourself.

  2. Did she say that she is no longer with her husband? Oh u rumour monger. Keep your advice to yourself.
